Could sneaky self-sabotage be hijacking your full potential?

Do you know what’s really hijacking your effectiveness, happiness, and keeps you from achieving your highest potential?


– it’s an inside job
by these nasty characters aka your inner critical voices / saboteurs

© 2022 Positive Intelligence

© 2021 Positive Intelligence


You can’t defeat an enemy that you don’t see or one that successfully masquerades as your friend.
So the first step is to identify your Saboteurs and expose their lies to discredit them.

Take the Assessment to Find Out

© 2022- Else Johnson Coaching has partnered with Shirzad Chamine to give you access to this powerful assessment. 100% PRIVACY GUARANTEED

Saboteurs stop you from getting what you want!

Henry Ford famously said; “Now the secret to success is to know what you don’t know.”

Your Saboteurs claim they are good for you. The Judge (Your Chief Inner Critic) tells you that the constant badgering over your mistakes and shortcomings is necessary to improve and achieve your goals.

It is true – your Saboteurs have successfully PUSHED you to improve and succeed. The bad news is that it’s accomplished through fear, anxiety, blame, shame, guilt (negative reinforcement,) and the consequence is stress, frustrations, troubled relationships, poor health, and often lack of self-worth.

However, research shows that you would succeed even more if you were PULLED by your inherent positive feelings of curiosity, compassion, creativity, love for yourself and others, and love for contribution and self-expression (Positive Reinforcement). AND you would be far happier and less stressed.

Take the assessment and stop guessing what's getting in your way!

PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient) measures the relative strength of your positive mental muscles (Sage) versus the negative (Saboteur). PQ is the most widely used measure of mental fitness. Independent researchers have validated this measure to be the greatest predictor of how happy you are, and how well you perform against your potential.

*The Saboteur Assessment is Based on Shirzad Chamine’s New York Times bestseller and Stanford lectures.

The research included 500,000 participants, world-class athletes, and leaders from every Fortune 100 company.

© 2022 – Else Johnson Coaching has partnered with Shirzad Chamine to give you access to this powerful assessment.

Meet Your Coach:

Else Johnson

Mindset Coach

A little no-nonsense and a lot curious, Else sees possibilities everywhere. She believes success looks different for everyone and has coached countless entrepreneurs and executives to approach life and business on their own terms.  

Like the clients she serves, Else is an out-of-the-box thinker whose life and career have taken unexpected twists and turns. She wouldn’t have it any other way!    

Her rich and varied experiences have given her the know-how, compassion, and grit to help her clients unravel the roadblocks and unlock their full potential. Because she’s been there herself … and lots of other places too:  

Here is how to connect:   

© 2022 – Else Johnson Coaching and Consulting, LLC. –

Else Johnson Coaching has partnered with Shirzad Chamine to give you access to this powerful assessment.